17 research outputs found

    A novel TOPSIS–CBR goal programming approach to sustainable healthcare treatment

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    Cancer is one of the most common diseases worldwide and its treatment is a complex and time-consuming process. Specifically, prostate cancer as the most common cancer among male population has received the attentions of many researchers. Oncologists and medical physicists usually rely on their past experience and expertise to prescribe the dose plan for cancer treatment. The main objective of dose planning process is to deliver high dose to the cancerous cells and simultaneously minimize the side effects of the treatment. In this article, a novel TOPSIS case based reasoning goal-programming approach has been proposed to optimize the dose plan for prostate cancer treatment. Firstly, a hybrid retrieval process TOPSIS–CBR [technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) and case based reasoning (CBR)] is used to capture the expertise and experience of oncologists. Thereafter, the dose plans of retrieved cases are adjusted using goal-programming mathematical model. This approach will not only help oncologists to make a better trade-off between different conflicting decision making criteria but will also deliver a high dose to the cancerous cells with minimal and necessary effect on surrounding organs at risk. The efficacy of proposed method is tested on a real data set collected from Nottingham City Hospital using leave-one-out strategy. In most of the cases treatment plans generated by the proposed method is coherent with the dose plan prescribed by an experienced oncologist or even better. Developed decision support system can assist both new and experienced oncologists in the treatment planning process

    Evaluation of Knowledge Management in an Organisation

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    Implementation of Knowledge Management (KM) brings significant changes at various levels of an organisation. Knowledge sharing is one of the aspects that plays a significant role in the success of KM. This paper uses empirical research. It will analyse the applicability of KM as a new change in an organisation, while taking into account the aspects influencing knowledge sharing. The research identifies the aspects related to knowledge sharing which will be assessed. This case study has been realised by using a questionnaire at an Iranian research organisation. The five factors of trust, commitment, job satisfaction, learning and organisational communication have been identified and studied as aspects affecting knowledge sharing. The results show that during the implementation of KM there would be a lot of resistance from people. While people seem to welcome this change and find it effective in organisational growth, the assessment shows that there is no adequate preparation in terms of knowledge sharing and KM

    A conversational case-based reasoning approach to assisting experts in solving professional problems

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    Nowadays, organizations attempt to retrieve, collect, preserve and manage knowledge and experience of experts in order to reuse them later and to promote innovation. In this sense, Experience Management is one of the important organizational issues. This article is discussed the main ideas of a future Conversational Case-Based Reasoning (CCBR) intended to assist the experts of after-sales service in a French industrial company. The aim of this research is to formalize the experience of experts in after-sales service in order to better reuse them for similar problems in future. The research opts for an action research method which consists of two main parts: description of failure and proposition of decision protocol. The data were complemented by questionnaires, documentary analysis (including technical reports and other technical documents), observation and many interviews with experts. The findings include several aspects: the formalization of Problem-solving Cards, proposing the structure of case base, as well as the framework of proposed system. These formalizations permit after-sales service experts to provide effective diagnosis and problem-solving

    Exploring the therapeutic and anti-tumor properties of morusin: a review of recent advances

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    Morusin is a natural product that has been isolated from the bark of Morus alba, a species of mulberry tree. It belongs to the flavonoid family of chemicals, which is abundantly present in the plant world and is recognized for its wide range of biological activities. Morusin has a number of biological characteristics, including anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, neuro-protective, and antioxidant capabilities. Morusin has exhibited anti-tumor properties in many different forms of cancer, including breast, prostate, gastric, hepatocarcinoma, glioblastoma, and pancreatic cancer. Potential of morusin as an alternative treatment method for resistant malignancies needs to be explored in animal models in order to move toward clinical trials. In the recent years several novel findings regarding the therapeutic potential of morusin have been made. This aim of this review is to provide an overview of the present understanding of morusin’s beneficial effects on human health as well as provide a comprehensive and up-to-date discussion of morusin’s anti-cancer properties with a special focus on in vitro and in vivo studies. This review will aid future research on the creation of polyphenolic medicines in the prenylflavone family, for the management and treatment of cancers

    Development and validation of a simple LC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous quantitative determination of trimethylamine-N-oxide and branched chain amino acids in human serum

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    Serum branched chain amino acids and trimethylamine-N-oxide are monitored as potential indicators of diabetes and cardiovascular health respectively. A rapid method for their simultaneous determination using liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry is described here. Branched chain amino acids and trimethylamine-N-oxide were quantified based on their specific MS/MS fragments using a selected reaction monitoring approach. A number of columns were tested for their ability to separate the analytes. A C18-PFP column separated the analytes in just 4 minutes, and resulted in excellent peak shape and retention time repeatability, and was therefore chosen as the optimal column. A second column, the Intrada Amino Acid column, was chosen for comparison and validation experiments as it provided an orthogonal separation mechanism. The intra-day and inter-day precision and accuracy were less than 12% for trimethylamine-N-oxide and less than 6% for the branched chain amino acids. Recoveries, where serum was spiked with three different concentrations of the analytes, ranged from 97 to 113%. The LODs and LOQs for trimethylamine-N-oxide were 1 and 6 ng/mL, for leucine and isoleucine were 4 and 8 ng/mL, and for valine were 5 and 15 ng/mL, respectively. The C18-PFP column method was validated using the Intrada Amino Acid column method and percentage agreement for all four analytes was within 10%. Sample preparation was minimal, and use of labelled internal standards accounted for matrix effects. The method was successfully applied to human plasma samples